K-Means: Python vs NumPy vs CUDA [Mighty4]

Author: Diogo Silva

This notebook contains an analysis of the results from executing the different implementations (CUDA, NumPy, Python) of the K-Means algorithm.

The machine technical specifications of the machine (Mighty4) are:

  • OS: Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS
  • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4930K CPU @ 3.40GHz, 12 cores
  • GPU: NVIDIA QUADRO K600, 192 CUDA cores, 1024 MBytes

In [1]:
# necessary imports
%pylab inline
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [2]:
# locations of the results
results_filename="/home/chiroptera/workspace/QCThesis/CUDA/tests/test1v3/results.csv" #local
#results_filename="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Chiroptera/QCThesis/master/CUDA/tests/test1v3/results.csv" #git repo

In [3]:
results = pd.read_csv(results_filename)

In [4]:
print "Structure of the results"

Structure of the results
type N D NATC K iters R time
0 cuda 1000 2 20 5 3 0 0.018422
1 cuda 1000 2 20 5 3 1 0.010772
2 cuda 1000 2 20 5 3 2 0.010947
3 cuda 1000 2 20 5 3 3 0.011002
4 cuda 1000 2 20 5 3 4 0.010803

In [5]:

Some of the parameters were don't change in these results, so we can delete them (natural number of clusters, dimensionality and number of iterations). Furthermore, We can delete the rounds column because it becomes useless after averaging the times.

In [6]:
results.drop(['R','NATC','D','iters'], axis=1, inplace=True)


type N K time
0 cuda 1000 5 0.018422
1 cuda 1000 5 0.010772
2 cuda 1000 5 0.010947
3 cuda 1000 5 0.011002
4 cuda 1000 5 0.010803

Below is some statistics about the timings for the rounds. The important thing to notice is that there is low variance on the data, which suggests that the results are consistent.

In [7]:
rounds = results.groupby(['type','N','K'],as_index = True)
results_mean = rounds.mean()

type N K
cuda 1000 5 count 10.000000
mean 0.011657
std 0.002379
min 0.010772
25% 0.010802
50% 0.010969
75% 0.011013
max 0.018422
10 count 10.000000
mean 0.011654
std 0.000098
min 0.011525
25% 0.011546
50% 0.011702
75% 0.011730
max 0.011763
20 count 10.000000
mean 0.013044
std 0.000132
min 0.012847
25% 0.012932
50% 0.013095
75% 0.013118
max 0.013271
30 count 10.000000
mean 0.014391
std 0.000108
min 0.014227
25% 0.014297
50% 0.014419
... ... ... ... ...
python 100000 50 std 0.331483
min 147.291877
25% 147.650271
50% 147.937354
75% 148.085570
max 148.264515
100 count 10.000000
mean 295.139632
std 0.665021
min 294.046803
25% 294.619269
50% 295.177557
75% 295.750472
max 295.834599
250 count 10.000000
mean 737.963793
std 1.319045
min 736.230537
25% 736.959910
50% 737.738205
75% 738.773420
max 740.377131
500 count 6.000000
mean 1478.375968
std 3.854675
min 1473.342895
25% 1475.384404
50% 1478.773938
75% 1481.669745
max 1482.475464

1656 rows × 1 columns

Time analysis

This section explores some of the results of the runtimes of the algorithms.

In [8]:
times = results_mean.loc["cuda"]

time cuda numpy python s_cuda_np s_cuda_py s_np_py
1000 5 0.011657 0.011657 0.001088 0.149803 0.093359 12.850881 137.650769
10 0.011654 0.011654 0.001989 0.297293 0.170656 25.510159 149.482611
20 0.013044 0.013044 0.003741 0.592271 0.286777 45.404556 158.326907
30 0.014391 0.014391 0.005475 0.886906 0.380455 61.628847 161.987163
40 0.015639 0.015639 0.007243 1.180782 0.463123 75.501300 163.026331
50 0.016542 0.016542 0.008924 1.474845 0.539479 89.160032 165.270692
100 0.020595 0.020595 0.017499 2.948110 0.849640 143.145373 168.477705
250 0.035546 0.035546 0.042642 7.365657 1.199627 207.214687 172.732547
500 0.058691 0.058691 0.083086 14.744017 1.415643 251.212529 177.454754
5000 5 0.010678 0.010678 0.003097 0.747029 0.290065 69.958399 241.182083
10 0.011829 0.011829 0.005419 1.483516 0.458114 125.414789 273.763542
20 0.014025 0.014025 0.009845 2.952777 0.701950 210.533526 299.926748
30 0.016112 0.016112 0.014190 4.427816 0.880690 274.817776 312.048152
40 0.018134 0.018134 0.018639 5.898209 1.027853 325.258219 316.444202
50 0.020143 0.020143 0.022829 7.371626 1.133379 365.968423 322.900387
100 0.030123 0.030123 0.044517 14.712767 1.477872 488.428513 330.494408
250 0.059804 0.059804 0.108561 36.770739 1.815268 614.852592 338.711831
500 0.108246 0.108246 0.215950 73.622404 1.995000 680.142307 340.923509
10000 5 0.013008 0.013008 0.005533 1.497467 0.425356 115.116626 270.635703
10 0.014796 0.014796 0.009632 2.978940 0.650943 201.329365 309.288647
20 0.018169 0.018169 0.017264 5.927332 0.950223 326.240560 343.330351
30 0.021355 0.021355 0.024746 8.870301 1.158811 415.383037 358.456148
40 0.024410 0.024410 0.032416 11.815988 1.327966 484.056124 364.509519
50 0.027534 0.027534 0.039630 14.757072 1.439310 535.961255 372.373627
100 0.042877 0.042877 0.076960 29.519469 1.794891 688.460852 383.566884
250 0.088375 0.088375 0.187472 73.647757 2.121321 833.352441 392.845984
500 0.164026 0.164026 0.371771 147.367725 2.266537 898.442437 396.394270
50000 5 0.032128 0.032128 0.024914 7.490281 0.775454 233.139588 300.649169
10 0.039372 0.039372 0.042934 14.845817 1.090479 377.070013 345.783931
20 0.052372 0.052372 0.075869 29.593154 1.448660 565.061907 390.058454
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
500000 100 1.301461 1.301461 3.437889 NaN 2.641562 NaN NaN
250 2.867981 2.867981 8.302933 NaN 2.895044 NaN NaN
500 5.458327 5.458327 16.462744 NaN 3.016078 NaN NaN
1000000 5 0.487142 0.487142 0.538290 NaN 1.104997 NaN NaN
10 0.637080 0.637080 0.909662 NaN 1.427861 NaN NaN
20 0.882651 0.882651 1.624348 NaN 1.840306 NaN NaN
30 1.103017 1.103017 2.324859 NaN 2.107726 NaN NaN
40 1.328702 1.328702 3.041958 NaN 2.289421 NaN NaN
50 1.549947 1.549947 3.716820 NaN 2.398030 NaN NaN
100 2.610552 2.610552 7.195779 NaN 2.756420 NaN NaN
250 5.724244 5.724244 17.406081 NaN 3.040765 NaN NaN
500 10.884659 10.884659 34.271032 NaN 3.148563 NaN NaN
2000000 5 1.015426 1.015426 1.103129 NaN 1.086371 NaN NaN
10 1.354407 1.354407 1.915013 NaN 1.413913 NaN NaN
20 1.897077 1.897077 3.368870 NaN 1.775822 NaN NaN
30 2.358479 2.358479 4.823610 NaN 2.045221 NaN NaN
40 2.823537 2.823537 6.276152 NaN 2.222798 NaN NaN
50 3.242203 3.242203 7.645525 NaN 2.358127 NaN NaN
100 5.365364 5.365364 14.788860 NaN 2.756357 NaN NaN
250 11.581239 11.581239 35.621793 NaN 3.075819 NaN NaN
500 21.875830 21.875830 70.059141 NaN 3.202582 NaN NaN
4000000 5 2.137429 2.137429 2.288111 NaN 1.070497 NaN NaN
10 2.907340 2.907340 3.943899 NaN 1.356532 NaN NaN
20 4.126681 4.126681 6.957393 NaN 1.685954 NaN NaN
30 5.075028 5.075028 9.939490 NaN 1.958509 NaN NaN
40 6.032570 6.032570 12.870751 NaN 2.133544 NaN NaN
50 6.878586 6.878586 15.740302 NaN 2.288305 NaN NaN
100 11.118009 11.118009 30.164923 NaN 2.713159 NaN NaN
250 23.544460 23.544460 72.612984 NaN 3.084079 NaN NaN
500 44.112687 44.112687 142.110307 NaN 3.221529 NaN NaN

81 rows × 7 columns

In [9]:
p=a.get_group(20)[['python','numpy','cuda']].plot(title="Time evolution; 20 clusters",logy=True)
a.get_group(500)[['python','numpy','cuda']].plot(title="Time evolution; 500 clusters",logy=True)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f0a03d826d0>

In [10]:
b.get_group(1e5)[['python','numpy','cuda']].plot(title="Time evolution by number of clusters; 1e5 datapoints",logy=True)
plt.xlabel("Number of clusters")

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f0a037d0790>

In [11]:
b.get_group(1e5)[['numpy','cuda']].plot(title="Time evolution by number of clusters; 1e5 datapoints",logy=True)
plt.xlabel("Number of clusters")

b.get_group(4e6)[['numpy','cuda']].plot(title="Time evolution by number of clusters; 4e6 datapoints",logy=True)
plt.xlabel("Number of clusters")

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f0a035ad790>

Speedup over NumPy

In [12]:
s_cuda_np = results_mean.loc['numpy'] / results_mean.loc['cuda']

In [13]:

5 count 9.000000
mean 0.754069
std 0.387903
min 0.093359
25% 0.425356
50% 0.880194
75% 1.070497
max 1.104997
10 count 9.000000
mean 1.022415
std 0.475607
min 0.170656
25% 0.650943
50% 1.214968
75% 1.413913
max 1.427861
20 count 9.000000
mean 1.338898
std 0.558877
min 0.286777
25% 0.950223
50% 1.563475
75% 1.775822
max 1.840306
30 count 9.000000
mean 1.562430
std 0.612939
min 0.380455
25% 1.158811
50% 1.787172
... ... ...
50 std 0.654328
min 0.539479
25% 1.439310
50% 2.069942
75% 2.309328
max 2.398030
100 count 9.000000
mean 2.185412
std 0.673399
min 0.849640
25% 1.794891
50% 2.385635
75% 2.713159
max 2.756420
250 count 9.000000
mean 2.494653
std 0.656791
min 1.199627
25% 2.121321
50% 2.646294
75% 3.040765
max 3.084079
500 count 9.000000
mean 2.635802
std 0.625154
min 1.415643
25% 2.266537
50% 2.758689
75% 3.148563
max 3.221529

72 rows × 1 columns

In [14]:
for key, grp in s_cuda_np.groupby(level=['K']):
plt.title("Speedup by cardinality")
plt.plot([0, 8], [1, 1], 'k-', lw=2)


([<matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a03352610>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a03352110>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a032f3bd0>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a032ff2d0>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a032ffa50>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a03288210>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a032dc290>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a03288f10>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a032946d0>],
 <a list of 9 Text xticklabel objects>)

In [15]:

1000 count 9.000000
mean 0.599862
std 0.460553
min 0.093359
25% 0.286777
50% 0.463123
75% 0.849640
max 1.415643
5000 count 9.000000
mean 1.086688
std 0.584669
min 0.290065
25% 0.701950
50% 1.027853
75% 1.477872
max 1.995000
10000 count 9.000000
mean 1.348373
std 0.630611
min 0.425356
25% 0.950223
50% 1.327966
75% 1.794891
max 2.266537
50000 count 9.000000
mean 1.828253
std 0.648528
min 0.775454
25% 1.448660
50% 1.882489
... ... ...
500000 std 0.655490
min 1.060330
25% 1.796915
50% 2.213048
75% 2.641562
max 3.016078
1000000 count 9.000000
mean 2.234899
std 0.696925
min 1.104997
25% 1.840306
50% 2.289421
75% 2.756420
max 3.148563
2000000 count 9.000000
mean 2.215223
std 0.721733
min 1.086371
25% 1.775822
50% 2.222798
75% 2.756357
max 3.202582
4000000 count 9.000000
mean 2.168012
std 0.741724
min 1.070497
25% 1.685954
50% 2.133544
75% 2.713159
max 3.221529

72 rows × 1 columns

In [16]:
for key, grp in s_cuda_np.groupby(level=['N']):
plt.plot([0, 8], [1, 1], 'k-', lw=2) #slowdown/speedup threshold

plt.title("Speedup by cardinality")
plt.xlabel("Number of clusters")


([<matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a03284150>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a0320f610>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a019be2d0>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a019be950>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a01947110>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a01947890>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a01947c50>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a019523d0>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a01952b50>],
 <a list of 9 Text xticklabel objects>)

Speedup over Python

In [17]:
s_cuda_py = results_mean.loc['python'] / results_mean.loc['cuda']

In [18]:
for key, grp in s_cuda_py.groupby(level=['K']):
plt.plot([0, 8], [1, 1], 'k-', lw=2) #slowdown/speedup threshold

plt.title("Speedup by cardinality")


([<matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a01922a50>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a018cf0d0>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a0187c790>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a0187ce10>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a018075d0>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a01807d50>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a01811510>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a01811ad0>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a0181c250>],
 <a list of 9 Text xticklabel objects>)

In [19]:
for key, grp in s_cuda_py.groupby(level=['N']):
plt.plot([0, 8], [1, 1], 'k-', lw=2) #slowdown/speedup threshold

plt.title("Speedup by cardinality")
plt.xlabel("Number of clusters")


([<matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a03da2f50>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a0349a1d0>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a035fedd0>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a03588690>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a03588850>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a03590050>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a0359ab50>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a0359a950>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f0a035a3250>],
 <a list of 9 Text xticklabel objects>)